Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Oscar test results and gynae visit (week 17)

This morning I went to the gynae. Was happy and a little nervous, happy because I can get to see the little one, nervous as today I would get back my Oscar test results.

Ended up the Oscar test results were good, I belong in the low-risk category, ratio 1:10000. Another portion of my blood was used for a blood test, everything seems good, except my iron level is slightly below average. Average is 11.5, mine was 11.4. So doc asked me to load up on iron-rich foods. GIMME MY STEAKS!

So today I was given another round of meds to last me till my next visit. Doc said can stop folic acid, but had to continue taking everything else, plus he gave me fish oils (or rather, more like algae pills yucks).

The bill was really expensive today coz I also paid for the detailed scan to be done around week 20.
Multivitamins - $38.00
Calcium pills - $28.00
DHA pills (what people commonly call fish oil, just that mine is extracted from algae) - $70.00 (!!!)
Detailed scan 4 weeks later - $85.00

Plus consultation and ultrasound scan, $364 flew away... *sobs*

I'm going to try going to the pharmacies for the supplements the next round. Many people told me buying from the pharmacies is much cheaper but I'm just concerned whether they have the exact same brand? Coz am also not very sure which brands are good/better for pregnant mummies.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Oscar test on week 13 and today (15+1)

I just realised I didn't post an update regarding my Oscar test.

The Oscar test was over in 10 minutes. They scanned my stomach, looked at the baby and the lady told me the Neck Thickness (NT) is 2mm. I even asked her how accurate is this and she replied that it is quite accurate. 2mm is within the normal range (anything above 3mm is more high-risk) so that really helped to put my mind at ease a little. The gynae also drew my blood and sent it for blood test, but the blood test results would only be out 2 weeks later.

The Oscar test costs $300 and plus consultation, blood test etc and more pills, the bill came up to $500+ for this visit. But I feel that it's worth it as I really wanted a peace of mind.

The gynae gave me more folic acid, multi-vitamins and calcium pills. Some other mummies on our FB group have gotten fish oil as well. However, I feel that I need to trust my gynae if I am going to stick with him throughout this entire pregnancy rather than keep doubting him based on hearsay.

Anyway 4 pills a day is already very hard to swallow so am thankful I don't have more. Anyway, last week I drank a cup of coffee in the morning and it was so heavenly I almost weeped. Never realised how delicious and satisfying it was to drink a cup of hot, fragrant coffee until now.

The night sickness has stopped (for now) although when I eat too much I still feel really uncomfortable but I guess that's normal.

I haven't been eating healthily nor have I been eating a lot of fish like what other mummies have advised. I feel like I am quite bo chup (can't be bothered) when it comes to food and eating healthily but I do feel a little worried and guilty at times. Perhaps it's time to really start watching my diet!