Thursday, November 15, 2012

Off to Taiwan~!

I'm flying off to Taiwan tonight with the boyfriend! It's actually the first time since we've been together more than 2.5 years ago that we are taking the plane and going somewhere far (ok lah maybe Taiwan not that far). We're meeting K & Cy there tomorrow (They are taking SQ flight)! First time I am going overseas with them too but they are really easygoing people so I don't foresee any difficulties or problems! :P
I'm going there really well-prepared this time round. I'm bringing along a nasal spray, anti-histamines, panadol for sinus/cold, charcoal pills and normal panadol. The last thing I want is to have the food right in front of me and I can't smell or taste anything! The weather over there right now is quite cooling and me being so afraid of cold, has to go well-prepared!
Cy also did a lot of research filled with maps, photographs etc. It's an 18-pages long word document! I'm truly impressed. I've also done up a bit of research. At least, I've found the directions to the shop that sells out-of-this-world dumplings hahahahaha.
I've also prepared Currency Conversion Charts! One for me and one for Cy. This will make shopping/eating/spending money so much easier! No need to use calculators at all. Hee.

The flight is at 1am tonight and we'll reach Taoyuan at 6am. We will then take a bus to Taichung. Boyfriend wants to take a bus (2hr50mins) instead of the HSR (high speed rail) which takes abt 50 mins. I don't really mind as I expect I'll be really out of it and really stoned at 6am in the morning.
The excitement is unreal!!! I just pray for zero (ok lah not very realistic, given that we are both such argumentative people) to as-little-as-possible quarrels with the boyfriend!
God bless! =)
It's gonna be an awesome trip!

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