So Similac TC gave my baby greenish poo, S-26 Gold made my baby gassy. Desperate, I asked my girlfriend what she gave her baby, she told me Nestle's Nan.
I zoomed to the supermarket to buy but unfortunately there was Nan Ha and Pro. After considering, Ha stands for Hypoallergenic and seems to be better for sensitive tummies so I got that. Plus, it is more expensive than Nan Pro which has got to mean it is better right?
Baby's greenish poo came back, together with the ultra-smelly-can-kill farts.
Girlfriend told me Ha is the wrong one to buy, that I should buy Pro. I was upset at having wasted another $50 and was very skeptical about buying Nan Pro..i thought of just trying Enfa immediately but I thought "what the hell" and took my friend's advice.
Praise God she was right. Nan Pro brought back the yellow poo and made me a happy mummy once again.
Soon after, a girlfriend also told me she bought Nan Ha and her baby has green poo. I told her to buy Nan Pro and a week later when I saw her again she said her baby's poo has also gone back to being yellow.
Not sure why such differences exist between milk powders but yeah so far baby's drinking Nan Pro and he's a happy baby! :)