Monday, February 20, 2017

Matthias is 2!

Hello baby,

Mummy's letter to you is late. Sorry baby, your little sister is quite a handful.

My dear Matthias, 2 years ago you came into my life. Mummy was never a baby lover, but you were so chubby, so happy and so adorable. As the days went past, mummy slowly but so certainly fell in love with you.

Last year, you were hospitalised for 12 days. It gave me and Papa such a scare. We hope never to see you in that dazed state again.

Last year you also started going to school. At the beginning, mummy thought you would never adapt. Alas, you are so adaptable you stopped crying after 3 weeks. You started enjoying school (mostly the toys I suspect). Nonetheless, mummy is happy you liked going to school, even if it was just to play.

This year, I switched your childcare and at the beginning you cried again. And miraculously after 3 weeks you would run into school, dragging your bag behind you. Papa is so perplexed he thinks you 没良心 coz you don't even bother to say goodbye to him.

Mummy loves fetching you from school. Seeing your face light up, and your uber-sweet smile, and you running to get your bag and all, it warms my heart.

Nowadays you know how to say quite a number of words. Me and Papa are so proud. Even 鼻子!

You have begun throwing tantrums too (start of your terrible two?), especially when we don't give you what you want. It's ok, mummy will try to be more patient.

My dear boy, you are my heart, my soul. Even though you have a little sister now, you will always be my firstborn, the love and light of my life.

Thank you, thank you for coming into our lives 2 years ago. Thank you for all the joy and laughter you have brought into our lives. Thank you for being so understanding about your little sister. Please stay happy, healthy and adorable. Mummy and Papa love you very very very much.