Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Our baby journey (9+4) - 3rd Gynae visit + other symptoms

The hubs accompanied me to our 3rd gynae visit today and we saw the baby move! It was just shaking its limbs around. Definitely cute. We also heard its heartbeat. Think the hubs was quite moved by all these he told me afterwards he almost teared. :)

Anyway I think yeah going to the gynae in the morning is the correct decision as he has less patients and could definitely spend more time talking to us. So my symptoms have gotten from bad to worse. They are all common symptoms for the first trimester, but to have them all together just totally sucks. I feel awful at night and sometimes during the day as well.

Let's see, the symptoms are
- Night sickness (throwing up after dinner - getting more and more common)
- Nosebleeds (had them yesterday and today morning)
- Lots of phlegm (clear phlegm but makes me wanna throw up nonetheless.)

Been having some really vivid dreams. Like during one particular night, I dreamt that it was already 7+am, I quickly woke up and turned around and woke the hubs up as well. Halfway through waking him (thank God he doesn't wake easy), I realised it was still dark outside which meant it wasn't even 6am yet. I quickly aborted the attempt to wake him up and went back to sleep.

The hubs also mentioned I've been talking shitloads in my sleep (which I never used to do). There was one night I even gave him 4 numbers which he went to buy 4D with but didn't strike hahahaha.

Honestly I can't wait for the first trimester to be over because I just feel like total crap at night. Still, these symptoms are the ones that tell me I am still very much pregnant so gotta bear with it!

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