Friday, November 11, 2016

Day 10 of fever

Yesterday they gave M the antiviral drug, cidofovir. However, his fever did not go down today and he still hasn't improved.
Later, the rheumatologist is coming to assess him to see if he needs another dose of IVIG for the Kawasaki Disease.
We keep expecting to see improvements in him and his fever, but we keep bumping into walls and nothing seems to be working.
I am at a loss. Don't know what to think, don't know what to say. It seems as though he's slipping through our fingers but that's just the pessimist in me speaking. I am so scared. Scared beyond words. I keep thinking the worst although I know I'm supposed to stay positive. I just pray the Lord will be merciful to my firstborn, my one and only, and heal him.
To the Lord, it is as simple as lifting his littlest finger but to me it means the world.
Please God. Please.

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